Does Pu Erh Tea Contain Alcohol?

Does Pu Erh Tea Contain Alcohol

As a Pu Erh Tea fan, some people are having a question on their minds that does pu erh tea contain alcohol. Some experience different side effects such as nausea, dizziness and palpitations. This has been long-running with the confusion running around the facts and myths about this specific type of tea. We’ve researched this topic in-depth to end all wrong notions and guide you with the helpful points that the Pu erh tea has. Check out our post to learn more about this specific type of tea-favorite — the Pu Erh Tea!

Pu Erh Tea basically is another type of tea that has been derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant.  They make it from all-natural ingredients that undergo different types of preparation processes. 

  • Pu Erh Tea does not contain any alcohol if it has been processed naturally.  There are different processes that this tea type undergoes with different manufacturers. 
  • The side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and headache are not associated with alcohol. These effects are mainly because of high-volume consumption that is because of the caffeine.
  • You may experience the side effects if you take the pu erh tea from 4 or more cups in a day. This has an equivalent of up to 160-200 mg of caffeine in a day! 

So with those facts being presented, it has been cleared that Pu Erh Tea is generally safe to consume. It does not contain alcohol processed naturally. All you have to is to be more careful with the amount of caffeine consumption. Proper caffeine levels help you to get away from the side effects that it may bring!  

For sure, that is a lot of information to take in. Check out further as we will be discussing this information in more detail! We have more to tell you to guide you along with this topic! We have helped a lot of our readers with their questions! Surely this one will be as helpful as those! Now, let us dig in deeper!

What is Pu Erh Tea?

Basically, Pu Erh Tea is a type of tea that has originated in China. They harvest the tea from the Camellia Sinensis plant which is the origin of other tea varieties such as the Matcha, Green Tea, and Black tea! It undergoes natural processes of drying, pan-firing, and aging. This type of tea usually has earthy and pungent flavors which could also vary depending on the age, and the preparation processes made to manufacture the tea!

Pu Erh Tea comes in many forms when sold in the market. Some are sold in bricks or cakes. Others sell it as loose or in tea bags. The flavor of the tea is highly dependent on age. As the tea goes older, the better the flavor it will have. So some tea lovers tend to age their teas in caddies or jars to make sure that they are getting the best flavor out of their Pu Erh Tea.

Types of Pu Erh Tea

1. Ripe Pu Erh Tea

The ripe Pu Erh Tea is processed or post-fermented artificially.  During the fermentation process, mold produces some organic acids to reduce the pH levels of the tea! With the mold fermentation taking place, the green leaves are turned into a dark-brown in a short period of time. This gives the tea a mellow taste and a fuller body. We can say that this has a sweeter taste which doesn’t have any bitterness at all. It also has richer flavors! This type of tea is the most popular outside the Asian Regions.  The average amount of caffeine that the ripe pu erh tea ranges from 60-70 milligrams per 8 ounces. This amount is higher as compared with the raw pu erh tea variety, but still generally safe for daily consumption.

2. Raw Pu Erh Tea

The raw pu erh is not that much different from the ripe pu erh tea variety. The processes that it undergoes are all-natural. They use time as the main agent to post ferment the ripe pu erh tea. Gradually, the raw pu erh tea undergoes gradual post-fermentation and oxidization as time goes by.  The remarkable changes take place from a period of three to five years of natural aging. The best ages of processing are relatively long. Would you believe that in some regions of China, they take 30 long years to naturally process the raw pu erh tea? This is also one of the reasons why the raw pu erh tea has got one of the most expensive price tags in Asia! Raw pu erh tea generally has bitter and pungent flavors. The average amount of caffeine that this tea has ranged from 30-40 milligrams for an 8-ounce serving!  This is almost half as compared with the ripe pu erh tea, and also generally safe for daily consumption.

Acceptable Caffeine Consumptions

On a daily basis, the US Food and Drugs Administration suggests that the maximum amounts of caffeine intake of a healthy adult should not go over 400 milligrams of caffeine daily.  This is equivalent to about four to five cups of tea daily. This advisable amounts also depend on the metabolic rate of the individual. The variation also depends on the caffeine sensitivity of each person. So for you to be able to be sure on your personal caffeine level tolerance, you should check it out with your doctor.

With the caffeine levels of the Pu Erh Tea mentioned from the earlier of the post, it is highly suggested that the maximum amount of consumption of the pu erh tea should be no more than 4 cups of tea with 8 ounces each cup. This will amount to about 300-350 milligrams of caffeine daily. And remember, that amount is solely for the consumption of the tea! Within the day there is bigger possibility that you may still take some caffeinated drinks such as juices, sodas, and coffee!  Count them in as well.

There are certain conditions that could make each individual sensitive to caffeine. Children, pregnant moms, moms who are trying to get pregnant and some people who are undergoing special medical conditions have a higher caffeine sensitivity. We suggest that before drinking pu erh tea, or any drink that contains caffeine should consult their doctors first for safety and health purposes.

Though the FDA has not set any level or limits for children, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not encourage any consumption of caffeine among adolescents and especially kids!

Pu Erh Tea Side Effects

The main reason why some people think that the Pu Erh Tea contains alcohol is due to its side effects. These side effects may vary from different types of people and caffeine tolerance. With high-amount consumption, some people suffer from different side effects such as:

  • insomnia
  • anxiousness
  • dizziness
  • fast heart rate/palpitations
  • upset stomach
  • headache
  • and even dysphoria

These things are somewhat similar to the effects of alcohol. Always remember that these are also associated with caffeine consumptions. That is why we strongly suggest to watch out for the daily intake levels for your pu erh tea or any type of drinks or foods that has caffeine content. This will help you get away from the possible side effects that you may feel from overconsumption of the pu erh tea or of caffeine in general.


Generally, Pu Erh Tea is safe to consume. Who would not love the euphoric feeling, and calmness while drinking tea? The flavors of the tea are enjoyable that may bring our selves to our happy places. For the record, it does not contain any alcohol at all if it has been processed alcohol-free. Since the tea contains caffeine, it is highly suggested to drink it under proper regulation. Always make sure to measure your caffeine intake is moderated. It also helps to know what is your body’s tolerance with caffeine. Just like some other things in life, things are all good, but of course in proper moderation. Some health medications and other health conditions also have a bad interaction with pu erh tea or caffeine. So before you take in, or consume it, be sure to have it checked with your medical provider or wit your doctor.

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